Car type [* s60 – ROUTE 66 Mobile 8 User Manual
Page 90

ROUTE 66 MOBILE 8 User Manual
Pedestrian – walk to your des tina tion.
Scroll up or down to select a di fferent option.
Car Type [* S60]
In this view you can select the type of ca r used to rea ch the final des tinati on.
This option is a vailable onl y when the Settings > Na vi ga tion > Type of use value is As fast as
possible or As short as possible.
Scroll the lis t of a vailable options . Select and sa ve an option.
The following options a re a vailable:
Personal car – a ny vehi cle used for the transport of people.
Lorry – any vehi cle used for the transport of la rge or hea vy loads .
Note: Certai n speed limi ts or a ccess restri ctions a re imposed on hea vy vehi cles (lorries).
Thus , for the same depa rture loca tion and destina tion loca tion, the Personal car route ca n
be di fferent tha n the Lorry route (selected wa ypoints, length of trip, tra vel ti me, speed
limi ts).