Printronix SL5000r MP User Manual
Page 39

field on the field format. Therefore, if the converted value is
larger than the maximum value that a field can hold, an
error will be reported. If the data vaue is smaller than the
specified field length, on the other hand, the field will be
padded to the left with zero bits.
4. Unlike the Alpha and Barcode command which use
STEPMASK for incremental data, RFWTAG uses the
STEP which will increment or decrement at bit level.
5. 432 IGP dots in the ~CREATE line specifies a 6 inch
label. 6 inches = 432 (IGP dots)/72 (dpi)
Use 144 for 2 inch labels and 288 for 4 inch labels.
6. ACS and KIL are similar to other memory banks. ACS
contains the passcode which is used for LOCK and
UNLOCK operations. KIL contains the killcode which is
used to kill a tag. The user can write to or read from KIL
memory bank, but the functionality of killing a tag is not
currently applicable. Also, once ACS and KIL are locked,
both cannot be written to or read from. For other memory
banks, EPC, USR, and TID, once locked, they can be read
from but not written to.
7. There are two ways to program the ACS memory area.
One is to write to the ACS memory area directly with
RFWTAG. The other is to use the LOCK option while
writing to other memory banks. If ACS is not previously
locked, then LOCk option will lock the memory bank and
also write the passcode to ACS and lock ACS. When write
to ACS with RFWTAG, ACS is not automatically locked. To
lock ACS, use LOCKn with RFWTAG, where the passcode
(n) should be the same as the write data to ASC.
8. There is only one passcode, the content of ACS memory
bank, for each tag. The same passcode is used to lock or
unlock any memory bank in that tag.
9. For LOCKn and UNLOCKn, the passcode (n) (which
includes the dynamic format ) does not accept
incremental data. This also applies to the ACS and KIL
memory banks. The write data to the ACS and KIL memory