Pioneer 2 User Manual
Page 61
Pioneer Mobile Robots
;; Parameters for the Pioneer 2 AT Mobile Robot
AngleConvFactor 0.001534
;radians per angular unit (2PI/4096)
DistConvFactor 1.303
; mm returned by P2
VelConvFactor 1.0
; mm/sec returned by P2
RobotRadius 500.0 ; radius in mm
RobotDiagonal 120.0 ; half-height to diagonal of octagon
Holonomic 1 ; turns in own radius
MaxRVelocity 300.0 ; degrees per second
MaxVelocity 1200.0 ; mm per second
RangeConvFactor 0.268 ; sonar range returned in mm
;; Robot class, subclass
Class Pioneer
Subclass p2at
SonarNum 16 ; 16 total sonars
;; These are for the eight front sonars: six front, two sides
;; Sonar parameters
;; SonarNum N is number of sonars
;; SonarUnit I X Y TH is unit I (0 to N-1) description
;; X, Y are position of sonar in mm, TH is bearing in degrees
;; # x y th
SonarUnit 0 145 130 90
SonarUnit 1 185 115 50
SonarUnit 2 220 80 30
SonarUnit 3 240 25 10
SonarUnit 4 240 -25 -10
SonarUnit 5 220 -80 -30
SonarUnit 6 185 -115 -50
SonarUnit 7 145 -130 -90
;; These are for the eight rear sonars: six back, two sides
;; # x y th
SonarUnit 8 -145 -130 -90
SonarUnit 9 -185 -115 -130
SonarUnit 10 -220 -80 -150
SonarUnit 11 -240 -25 -170
SonarUnit 12 -240 25 170
SonarUnit 13 -220 80 150
SonarUnit 14 -185 115 130
SonarUnit 15 -145 130 90
;; Number of readings to keep in circular buffers
FrontBuffer 20
SideBuffer 40