Pioneer 2 User Manual
Page 31
Pioneer Mobile Robots
The basic Pioneer 2 has no attachments to the bump ports. Because their normal state is floating, the Bump
readings may vary (usually all "1"s). If you do have bumpers, only the ports 1-5 currently are active; the
others should be 0.
User PWMs
P2OS versions 1.2 and later let you reuse four of the digital output ports as pulse-width-modulating sources
to drive servo motors, for example. This self-test puts a one millisecond pulse onto each of the four PWM
ports. Monitor them with an oscilloscope.
See Appendix A, C166 Ports & Connections for the location of the A/D ports on the Pioneer 2
microcontroller's User I/O and General I/O connectors.
P2 Gripper
Those of you fortunate enough to own a Gripper accessory for the Pioneer 2 automatically get a self-test for
the accessory. See the Pioneer 2 Gripper Manual for details.
If you own a Pioneer 2 TCM2 or V2XG compass module, this self-test displays its compass heading in the
LCD. See the respective manuals for details.