Paradise P300 User Manual

Page 225

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Description / Cause / Notes


To Terr

To Sat



P300 Series Installation and Operating Handbook

Page 225

Rx Warn: No clk ref= , now int'

The reference specified for the PLL which generates the Rx output clock (or backup Rx clock) has


failed, the modem has switched to using the internal 1PPM reference to keep the clock available.
Check the clock specified is present. If a station clock is specified as available the modem
will use this as the to generate the backup Rx output clock even if “Station” not specified
as the primary source on the Rx Clock Mode screens. Check that the Station clock is still connected
as it is a common mistake to change the Rx Clock Mode to something other than “Station”, then
disconnect the station clock assuming the modem will not use it, whereas the modem will always
use it in preference to the internal 1PPM clock if it is has been told a station clock is available.
(Change, Rx, Clock/Buff, Station Clock Input).

Rx Warn: Back' alm received at ins' mux

This fault will only be displayed if the modem if fitted with an interface which provides four ports for
separate input and output of separate Tx/Drop and Rx/Insert PCM bearers. It indicates a Backward
Alarm is detected at the Rx bearer Input. This indicates that equipment downstream of the RECEIVE
path has failed and is returning an alarm. This may be due to any receive downstream equipment,
but could be due to the modem Rx output failing. Check the modem Rx path indicates OK, Check
the Rx data output from the modem is connected to the downstream equipment.

Rx Warn: MF Back' alm Rx'd at ins' mux

This fault will only be displayed if the modem if fitted with an interface which provides four ports for


separate input and output of separate Tx/Drop and Rx/Insert PCM bearers. It indicates a Multiframe
Backward Alarm is detected at the Rx bearer Input, this indicates that equipment downstream of the
RECEIVE path has failed to find Multiframe sync and is returning an alarm. The Modem only detects
this alarm when the Rx baseband is set to use the Insert mux in a G.732 mode and CAS signalling
has been selected. On the Rx path, if the Insert Mux bearer is set to Generate, then check the Rx
path is also utilising CAS, otherwise it will generate a bearer without a TS16 Multiframe.

Rx Warn: X.50 Back' alm from satellite

This indicates the distant end equipment has an X.50 fault and is returning an X.50 backward alarm.


See the description for the message “Rx Fault: X.50 de-stuff sync lost” for a further description.

Rx Warn: RF sig too low, now <-71dbm>

The Receive RF signal level is below the range specified for this equipment. Increase the level to


ensure specified performance is met.

Rx Warn: RF Sig too high, now <-19dBm>

The Receive RF signal level is above the range specified for this equipment. Decrease the level to


ensure specified performance is met.

Rx Warn: Eb/No below user threshold

The Receive Eb/No (derived from the Carrier to noise ratio) is worse than the user threshold set for a


deferred alarm (Change, User-Opt, Thresholds, Eb/No). This may be used as an advance warning
of service degradation.