Paradise P300 User Manual

Page 104

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P300 Series Modem Installation and Operating Handbook

Page 104

Satellite: 1:BER est’ 2:IBS MF period

3:Carrier ID’s 4:Back alm map 5:IF-50/75


Change, User-Opt, Operation, Satellite Menu

6.10.6 Change, User-Opt, Operation, SATELLITE Menu


This selects the source for the USER BER estimate displayed on the Receive
Status Screens, and compared to both the Deferred USER BER alarm, and BER
> 1 x 10 alarm thresholds. The selection is from:



The unit selects the most appropriate source. Note that the

INTELSAT mandatory method is FAW, although



select more accurate or more quickly updated methods if
available. The list of priorities is as follows:

The PRBS tester (if in the main data channel)


The Reed-Solomon outer FEC Codec (if active)


The Turbo, Viterbi or Sequential inner FEC (if active)


The PRBS tester in ESC or Aux channels (if active)


The errors counted over one minute on the FAW (if


No estimate of BER


An estimate based on the count of errors on the Frame

Alignment Words (FAW) received by the deframer over a 1
minute sliding window. Only available if operating in a
framed mode.


An estimate of the output error rate from the FEC decoder,

based on the count of errors into the FEC and the FEC code
rate. Note that if FEC is manually selected, but Reed-
Solomon is active, the BER estimate will not include the
significant error improvement of the RS codec.


An estimate of the output error rate of the RS Decoder based on

the number of uncorrectable words passed by the decoder.


The real BER as measured by the PRBS tester, whether it be in

the ESC or Aux channel, or the main data channel.




This option is only applicable to Custom, IBS, Minimum overhead modes. In this
mode the overhead is varied to accommodate any ESC requirements, and if the
ESC and main data rate are very low the overhead multiframe structure might be
very long. Whenever the Rx carrier is re-acquired the multiframe alignment also
has to be re-acquired, and this option allows the maximum multiframe period to
be specified in order to prevent excessively long multiframe periods affecting
carrier re-acquisition times. By default it is 2000ms, approximately 4 times the
normal IBS multiframe time of 512ms at 64kbps. This will only be an issue where
very low data rates (<16kbps) and low ESC rates are in use, or Minimum
overhead mode is active with No ESC requirement and the multiframe just
provides timeslot ID maintenance and backward alarm facilities. Only consider
adjusting from default if you see long periods where the status displays "TS32
Multiframe sync lost" or "CAS Multiframe sync lost" after the demod has lost and
re-acquired the carrier. Default:


Carrier ID'S

The earlier versions of the Eutelsat SMS specification defined 3 eight bit identities
which may be transmitted once per satellite TS32 multiframe to identify the carrier
and the earth station. These were named

Station ID


Carrier ID


Spare ID

. More

recent issues just say "reserved for uses such as.....". This options allows these