Applications on your handheld, Tips – Palm handheld m100 User Manual

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Applications on your handheld

Applications on your handheld


To start an application, tap its icon.

Tap the Welcome icon in the Applications Launcher to go through
the Basic Skills and Graffiti tutorials.

Complete descriptions of the applications are in the electronic

For help on a task, tap the Tips icon

on your handheld.

Address Book.

Keep names, addresses, phone numbers, and

other information about your personal and business contacts.
Enter a last name on the Look Up line to jump to that name.

In the Applications Launcher, the
category All shows you all the
applications on your handheld.
Tap All to select another category
from the pick list that drops down.
Select Edit Categories to create a
new category.

Use the stylus to drag the dark bar
of the scroll bar so that you can
see the rest of the icons on the
screen. Or press the Down scroll