Micro mute system – Peavey V12 User Manual

Page 61

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micro mute system

SINGLE_MAN 2 of 13 Scenes possible: 1 of 12 Manual Mutes and Seq

Micro Utilities

MAIN MICRO If set to OFF, completely disables Micro section. Both dis-
plays and all buttons are turned off.

Note: If this setting is selected, upon exiting Util Mode, the micro will

appear to be non-functioning. No lites or displays will be on.The only button
that will do anything is the UTILITY key. Press this key to get back into UTIL-
ITY Mode. If Password is set along with Main Micro Off, the only way for
someone to restore any micro function is to enter the correct password and
change the Micro setting.


If set to OFF, disables the Man Mutes from being accessed or

edited. Man Mute & Bank Sel Switches all off.


If set to OFF, disables the Seq Mutes from being accessed or

edited. Next Scene and Active Scene Displays off, NEXT, LAST, SEQ SCENE
all off.


Determines what happens when a Rapid Recall (RR) button is

pressed in Operating Mode.


RR Scene# is placed into Next Scene Display,Active Scene unaf-



RR Scene # is sent directly to Active Scene. Next Scene is unaf-



RR Scene # is sent directly to Active Scene. Next Scene is set

to value of RR Scene# +1.


Allows the user to set a password to con-

trol access to the Utility functions. Password comes up as last option in Utility
menu by default. If no password is currently set, SET_PSWORD shows in the
upper display and the STORE key is lit. Pressing STORE changes upper display
to ENTR_PSWRD and the lower display to PSWRD=????. RR keys 1-10 are
used to enter the password, 4 digits only. Each press of a RR key changes a "?"
to an "*".When initially setting a password, the user is prompted to enter it
twice to insure that it is correct. Once a password has been successfully
entered, the system exits Utility mode.


Once a password has been set, the user is asked to enter a

password whenever the Utility Mode is selected.ENTR_PSWRD shows in the
upper display, and PSWRD=???? is on the lower display. Further access to
Utilities is locked out unless the correct password is entered. Each press of a
RR key changes a "?" to an "*"

Once 4 digits are entered:

If incorrect- Display shows: "TRY _AGAIN".There is no limit to the
amount of entry attempts.

If correct- User is allowed access to Utilities- first function in Utility
list is then displayed.

Note:The password remains active until it is cleared (with the
CLR_PSWORD function).


Once a correct password has been entered, the user has

the option of clearing the password (returns password to default OFF state)