Micro mute system, Micro panel features – Peavey V12 User Manual

Page 51

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p. 51

micro mute system

micro panel features

manual mute-bank select

When this button is held down, the lower display shows the current
Manual Mute bank. Using the Scroll Keys along with this button, the bank
can be changed to any one of the twelve possible. An asterisk (*) will show
in the last position of the display to indicate a changed bank. The bank
change won’t occur, however, until the operator presses a Man Mute but-
ton or the GO button.

sequence scene-system on

The button activates the Sequenced Mutes.When the key is lit, the mute
data shown in the lower display (Active Scene) is active and the MIDI data
is transmitted. Turning this button on & off will activate/deactivate the
sequenced mutes and re-transmit the MIDI info every time the button
comes on.

recall last

This key restores the previous active scene. It can be used as an undo or
"oops" key to cancel a prematurely activated GO.The active data is sent
back to the next display and the prior active data is restored.The function
is only available when lit; only one level of undo is possible

go button

This is the main control for the Seq Scene System. Every time it is pressed,
the data from the Next Scene is transferred to the Active Scene and the
Next Scene is incremented by one. Repeatedly pressing this button will
step through the entire sequence list from 1 to 128.At any time, the oper-
ator can use the Scroll or Rapid Recall keys the change the value of the
Next Scene to affect the order of the sequence. A foot switch jack is avail-
able on the rear of the Console which allows remote operation of the GO
function (momentary switch closure).

midi data

This LED will blink when MIDI data is being received.There is no filtering
on this indicator, the MIDI data being received does not necessarily have
any bearing on the control of the console.