Palm Pre User Manual

Page 336

background image



MP3 music service 122–127, 285
multimedia messages

adding pictures to 111
addressing 220
creating 220–221
deleting 222
dialing from 87, 222
displaying 222
opening attachments 222
receiving notifications for 226
roaming and 103
saving contact information 222
sending 92, 219, 220, 221
troubleshooting 279


answering phone and 89
deleting 122
downloading 125, 126
listening to 100, 118
Now Playing list 121
playback controls 120
previewing 126
purchasing 125
searching for 121, 123
See also Amazon MP3
selecting as ringtone
troubleshooting 285
viewing information about 124, 125

Music application 119


See also user names

changing Bluetooth device 253
changing device 182
dialing by 86
sending or receiving messages and 206

NASCAR Sprint Cup Mobile 128
national emergency phone numbers 87
navigation. See GPS applications
network connections. Se
e connections
network settings
Network time option 181
Network time zone option 181
networks 230, 232, 233, 234
New card command 239
notes 149, 158

defined 293
displaying 74, 189
installing updates and 18, 75
receiving messages and 206, 226
receiving voicemail and 104
responding to 73–74, 269
selecting contacts from 89
silencing sounds for 89
troubleshooting 279

Now Playing list 121
numbers 64, 84, 164

Office Outlook. See Out
online accounts
200, 274, 293

See also accounts; email accounts

online address books 87, 130
online calendars 144, 154