Camera – Palm Pre User Manual

Page 284

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Section 4A: Troubleshooting

For information on displaying a single calendar view only in Calendar, see “Change the
Calendar Display” on page 150.
For information on unlinking contacts, see “Unlink a Contact”
on page 140.

I started entering a contact’s name in universal search, but I’m not seeing the
person in the results

You need to enter at least two letters in universal search before contact matches are

If the contact is a linked contact, universal search searches on the primary profile only
(see “Link a Contact” on page 139). (Scroll through the contact match results to make
sure that universal search did not return a different match for your contact from the one
you were expecting.)


Here are some tips for taking good pictures with the camera:

Clean the camera’s lens with a soft, lint-free cloth.

Take pictures in bright lighting conditions. (Low-light images may be grainy, due to the
sensitivity of the camera.)

Hold the phone as still as possible. (Try supporting your picture-taking arm up against
your body or a stationary object (such as a wall).)

Keep the subject of the pictures still. (Exposure time is longer with lower light levels, so
you may see a blur.)

For best results, verify that you have the brightest light source coming from behind you,
lighting the subject’s face. (Avoid taking indoor pictures with the subject in front of a
window or light. If the light is behind the subject, try moving closer to the subject and
enabling the flash.)

Make sure the subject is at least 18 inches (.5 meter) away from the camera to ensure
good focus.