Palm Pre User Manual
Page 331

tasks 159
text messages 222
videos 113, 116
Web pages 239
Wide View 167
DNS Server option 235
Doc Editor 171
Doc View 166–171
documentation 10, 11, 31
documents. See Word files
Done button 68
applications 79
Data Transfer Assistant 20
email 207, 209, 278
music 125, 126
Palm Desktop software 19
pictures 107
drafts 209
dragging 45, 50, 292
driving directions 247
driving safety tips 99, 314
dropping 50
DTMF tones 101
due dates (tasks) 158, 160
earpiece 271
EarthLink accounts 201
echoes 271
contacts 135, 137, 138, 139
email accounts 207
files 171
IM accounts 226
memos 163
profiles 179
tasks 159
Web page bookmarks 243
See also email addresses; Email
activating phone and 19
adding links to 118
adding pictures to 111
adding signatures 206, 214
attaching files to 168, 174, 209
attaching music to 119
creating 208–209
deleting 207, 214
dialing from 87
managing 213
merging from multiple accounts 200
opening attachments 210
receiving 200, 207, 209
replying to 212
retrieving over wireless connections 232
roaming and 103
saving as drafts 209
sending 200, 209, 217
setting alerts for 206
setting download options for 278
setting preferences for 215
share option 217
synchronizing 200, 207, 209, 274
troubleshooting 277–278