Operating information – Lochinvar KBII-I-O REV C 81 - 286 User Manual
Page 64
Installation & Operation Manual
Operating information
When multiple boilers are installed, they can be wired together
in a cascade sequence. A maximum of eight boilers can be
controlled from a single control. In this application one boiler
would be designated as the Leader control and all others would
be designated as Member controls. If installing the boilers in an
existing system, the new boilers should be programmed as the
Leader and/or the higher number addresses. The Leader control
can be programmed to use Lead/Lag or Efficiency Optimization
control methods.
Once the Leader boiler receives a call for heat from a room
thermostat, BMS, or Modbus, the control will determine what
the set point will be. If outdoor air reset is desired, connect the
outdoor air sensor to the terminals on the Low Voltage
Connection Board on the Leader boiler. The set point will be
calculated based on the programmed reset curve parameters.
See the Knight Boiler Service Manual to program the reset
curve. If outdoor air reset is not desired, do not connect the
outdoor air sensor. A fixed temperature set point can be
programmed into the control. See page 59 of this manual to
program the set point.
If the water temperature at the system supply sensor is less than
the set point + the turn-off offset - the off-on differential, then
the control will initiate a call for heat on the Cascade (see the
Knight Boiler Service Manual for an explanation of the offset
and differential). The Leader will energize the lead boiler on the
Cascade. For a new startup this will be the Leader boiler.
DHW, Night Setback, and Ramp Delay operation
with cascade
For normal mode DHW operation any boiler(s) in the
Cascade can be selected to provide heat for a DHW call. Select
a boiler to be designated as the DHW boiler. Connect the
DHW thermostat or sensor to the terminals on the Low
Voltage Connection Board marked for the corresponding
device. When the boiler receives a DHW call, the Leader
control will take that boiler out of the Cascade sequence. If
another boiler is available, the Leader will start it up to take its
The DHW boiler will adjust its set point to the programmed
DHW set point and will adjust its firing rate to maintain this.
Once the DHW call has been satisfied, the Leader control will
place that boiler back into the Cascade sequence.
Switching of the boiler between DHW operation and SH
operation when there is a call for both does not occur in
Cascade Mode.
When DHW is programmed for Zone Mode, connect the
DHW thermostat or tank sensor to the Leader boiler. When
a DHW call is received, the Leader will modulate the entire
Cascade to bring the system supply temperature up to the
DHW boiler set point (if higher).
Night Setback operation of the boilers within the Cascade is
available. Programming of the Night Setback will be done
through the Leader boiler. Refer to the Knight Boiler Service
Manual for information regarding Night Setback.
Ramp Delay operation of the boilers as described in the
Knight Boiler Service Manual is available when the boilers are
part of a Cascade system.
Sequence of the cascade
To equalize the run time of all boilers on the Cascade, the
firing sequence will automatically be changed at set intervals.
For the first 24 hours after initializing the Cascade, the
sequence will be changed every hour. After that the sequence
will be changed once every 24 hours. The switching on/off
sequence will be as follows:
Day 1
Day 1 + 1 hour
Day 1 + 2 hours
If a boiler is used to heat an indirect DHW tank, it will
automatically be given the lowest priority.
Outdoor reset operation, if used
Target temperature with outdoor reset
This feature improves the system’s efficiency as the outdoor
temperature warms up.
See the Knight Boiler Service Manual to change the settings.
Reset curve
The reset curve looks at outdoor air temperature and adjusts
the set point.