Service – Lochinvar Sync Condensing Boiler 1.3 User Manual
Page 33

Graph Select Screen:
The Graphs Screen consists of two (2) different screens. The
first screen is the Parameter Selection Screen. By pressing the
box beside the desired item, a check will appear in the selected
box and the control will graph the status of that item. A
maximum of five (5) items can be graphed at one time.
The second screen is accessed by pressing the NEXT button.
Once the items to be graphed are selected, press the NEXT
button to view the graph. Each item graphed will have a
different color line to represent it. The items selected will
be shown in a display bar with their Min and Max ranges
listed below them. Press the BACK button to return to the
Parameter Selection Screen.
Time - The time is displayed in the upper right-hand corner of
the display. It is displayed in 24 hour format. Reference the
night setback parameters on page 24 for information regarding
adjusting the date and time.
Status button - Pressing this button displays the Status Screen.
this screen shows the current status of the SYNC boiler.
Reference page 13 for more information regarding this screen.
Main button - Pressing this button displays the Main Screen.
From this screen, navigation to eight (8) other screens is
possible. Reference the Main Screen on page 17 for more
information regarding this screen.
Service Manual