Lexmark 5021-0XX User Manual
Page 220

Service Manual
3 = operational serial port #3.
P represents the number of times the test has passed
(finished successfully). Initially 000000 is displayed for
######. The maximum pass count is 999,999.
F represents the number of times the test has failed or
finished with errors. Initially 00000 is displayed for #####.
The maximum fail count is 99,999.
Note: The power indicator blinks indicating the test is running.
Each time the test finishes, the screen updates with the result. If
the test passes, the pass count increases by 1, however if the
test fails, one of the following failure messages displays for
approximately 3 seconds and the fail count increases by 1:
Once the maximum count is reached the test stops and the final
results display.
3. Press Return or Stop to exit the test.
Receive Status Interrupt Error
Status Error
Receive Data Interrupt Error
Transmit Data Interrupt Error
Transmit Empty Error
Threshold Error
Receive Data Ready Error
Break Interrupt Error
Framing Error
Parity Error
Overrun Error
Data Error
Data 232 Error
Data 422 Error
FIFO Error
DSR Error
DSR Interrupt Error
CTS Error
CTS Interrupt Error