5 in “sample select,” select the sample that you 5, 6 select the “sample mode, 7 press the [rec/write] key – KORG Speaker System User Manual

Page 84: 8 at the moment that you wish to begin sampling, 8, 9 sampling will stop when you press the [start/ 9, 0 play the c2 note on the keyboard, Auto sampling, 1 in the p0: recording, select the input/setup tab, 2 use the “recording setup” radio buttons to selec, 3 set the “threshold

5 in “sample select,” select the sample that you 5, 6 select the “sample mode, 7 press the [rec/write] key | 8 at the moment that you wish to begin sampling, 8, 9 sampling will stop when you press the [start/ 9, 0 play the c2 note on the keyboard, Auto sampling, 1 in the p0: recording, select the input/setup tab, 2 use the “recording setup” radio buttons to selec, 3 set the “threshold | KORG Speaker System User Manual | Page 84 / 144 5 in “sample select,” select the sample that you 5, 6 select the “sample mode, 7 press the [rec/write] key | 8 at the moment that you wish to begin sampling, 8, 9 sampling will stop when you press the [start/ 9, 0 play the c2 note on the keyboard, Auto sampling, 1 in the p0: recording, select the input/setup tab, 2 use the “recording setup” radio buttons to selec, 3 set the “threshold | KORG Speaker System User Manual | Page 84 / 144