Rppr settings, 1 make track settings just as when preparing to 1, 2 in sequencer mode p6: pattern/rppr, select the 2 – KORG Speaker System User Manual
Page 76: 3 use “key” to select the key to which you wish to, 4 select the pattern that will playback when you 4, 5 select the track that will play this pattern, 6 set “mode,” “shift” and “sync” to specify how th, Rppr (realtime pattern play/recording), Function, Rppr (realtime pattern play/ recording) function
Rppr settings, 1 make track settings just as when preparing to 1, 2 in sequencer mode p6: pattern/rppr, select the 2 | 3 use “key” to select the key to which you wish to, 4 select the pattern that will playback when you 4, 5 select the track that will play this pattern, 6 set “mode,” “shift” and “sync” to specify how th, Rppr (realtime pattern play/recording), Function, Rppr (realtime pattern play/ recording) function | KORG Speaker System User Manual | Page 76 / 144