Ispf line commands – Slick EDIT V3.3 User Manual
Page 528

Right Control key, depending on your preferences. Several commands or line labels can be entered and
then processed at one time. The ispf_reset command is used to clear the prefix area.
Table 11.8. ISPF Line Commands
ISPF Line Labels
Define a label.
ISPF Line Command Shift
Shift data left or right.
ISPF Line Command A
Identify a line after which lines are to be inserted.
ISPF Line Command B
Identify a line before which lines are to be inserted.
ISPF Line Command BNDS
Insert a column boundary ruler line.
ISPF Line Command Copy S
Specify lines to be copied to another location.
ISPF Line Command COL
Insert a column ruler line.
ISPF Line Command Delete
Delete one or more lines.
ISPF Line Command First
Expose one or more lines at the beginning of a
block of excluded lines.
ISPF Line CommandI
Insert one or more blank data entry lines.
ISPF Line Command Lowercase
Convert all uppercase letter alphabetic characters
in one or more lines to lowercase.
ISPF Line Command Last
Expose one or more lines at the beginning of a
block of excluded lines.
ISPF Line Command Move
Specify lines to be moved to another location.
ISPF Line Command MASK
Display the contents of the mask used with the in-
sert (I) and text entry (TE) line commands.
ISPF Line Command Make Data
Convert one or more no-save lines to data so that
they may be saved when the buffer is saved.
ISPF Line Command Overlay
Identify one or more lines over which the copy or
move block is to be overlaid.
ISPF Line Command Repeat
Specify lines to be repeated immediately following
this line or block.
ISPF Line Commands