Slick EDIT V3.3 User Manual
Page 415

for more information.
• Scroll style - Select from the following options:
• Smooth horizontal scroll - When selected, this option specifies that the window should be scrolled
column-by-column when the cursor moves out of view. When this option is deselected, the cursor will
be centered and the text will be scrolled one-fourth the width of the window when the cursor moves
out of view.
• Smooth vertical scroll - When selected, this option specifies that the window should be scrolled
line-by-line when the cursor moves out of view. When this option is deselected, the cursor will be
centered and the text will be scrolled half the height of the window when the cursor moves out of
• Scroll when - Specifies how close (in number of lines) the cursor may get to the top or bottom of the
window before scrolling occurs. Does not affect horizontal scrolling.
• Preserve column on top/bottom - If selected, the top_of_buffer (Ctrl+Home) and bottom_of_buffer
(Ctrl+End) commands do not change the column position unless already at the top or bottom of the
• Show tool tips - If selected, the pop-up tool tip Help messages are displayed when the mouse pointer
rolls over a button.
• Delay (ms) - Specifies the delay in tenths of a second before tool tip messages are displayed.
• Key message delay - Selecting this option specifies the delay before a prefix key is displayed in tenths
of a second. The prefix key is not displayed if the next key is pressed before the delay specified in this
text box.
• Hide mouse pointer - Selecting this option hides the mouse pointer when typing. The mouse pointer is
displayed when moving the mouse or when a dialog box is displayed.
• Allow drag drop text - If selected, selected text can be copied or moved by dragging and dropping the
selected text using the left mouse button.
• Windows 3.1 style open dialog - (Windows only) When selected, a Windows 3.1-style Open dialog
box is used to open and save files. This dialog does not support all the features of the default Open dia-
log (for example, encoding options are not supported).
• Line insert style - SlickEdit Core treats line selections differently than character selections. Line selec-
tions are pasted either above or below the current line, saving you from tediously positioning the cursor
at the beginning or end of a line prior to pasting. When the style is set to Before, lines of text are inser-
ted before the current line. When the style is set to After (the default), lines of text are inserted after the
current line.
• Next word style - When the next word style is set to Begin, the next_word command (Ctrl+Right)
places the cursor on the beginning of the next word. When the next word style is set to End, the cursor
is placed at the end of the next word.
General Options Dialog