Sony Ericsson LBI-38965 User Manual

Page 24

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4.2.2. Initial Installation

The following section discusses software installation on a new BCU/CAL. An example of the expected terminal display

during this sequence is also provided. This example is annotated with comments indicating user activity/procedures during
the installation, as well as general information regarding the process.



Verify that the BCU/CAL unit does not have power currently applied.


Verify that the BCU/CAL is correctly connected to a VT100-compatible terminal (user console), the IMC CAM, and
the local area network (LAN) (if applicable).


Verify that the user console is configured as follows:


9600 baud, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit, no parity.


VT100 personality. Terminal is DTE.


No translation of CR to CR/LF.


Local echo off. Tab stop at 8 characters.


DCE/DTE handshaking off.


XON/XOFF flow control is optional. The BCU/CAL does support flow control.


Edit the user configuration files contained on Installation Diskette 4.


Edit the text file, IP.DAT, to define the unit’s Internet parameters on the local network. If the unit will not have
a network connection, the file IP.DAT may be left unmodified from that supplied with the release distribution.


If initial routing entries are desired, edit the file ROUTES.DAT.


If the NFS feature is purchased, edit EXPORTS.DAT. It is a template file for configuring NFS clients of the
BCU/CAL. Client entries are specified as a BCU/CAL system disk directory, followed by the IP address of the
client permitted to mount it. A log file (1.2/log/nfs.log) is generated on each system boot. The log summarizes
processing of this file, indicating what has been exported, who received the export, and any errors encountered
in this file. This file is processed during the application loading (boot) phase only. Modifications made after the
unit is up and running will take effect during the next system boot.


If the BCU/CAL has been purchased with the CAL software feature, the file CAL.DAT on Installation Diskette
4 must be modified. This modification should define each site interface to the System Manager for which the
CAL feature is to provide service. If the unit is only licensed for the BCU feature, the file CAL.DAT may be
left unmodified from that supplied with the release distribution.


Reboot the BCU/CAL.