Csd connection – Sony Ericsson GC89 User Manual
Page 15

Create a EDGE/GPRS or CSD Connection
CSD Connection
9. Select CSD. Select your service provider from the Choose Network drop down list. If your
service provider isn’t listed select
Click Next.
10. If you selected a Network Operator from the Choose Network drop down list, the telephone
number dialog should be automatically filled in.
If you selected
the number you need to dial to connect to your Network Operator in the Telephone Number
field, include your country and area code. Ensure Use Area Code and Country Code is de-
Contact your Network Operator for a telephone number if necessary.
11. Click Advanced.... You can specify your preferred CSD network connection speed from the
drop down list and the method you want to use to connect to the network on the Speed tab of the
Advanced dialog. Click Next.
If you are unsure which speed to choose from the Speed tab, start with Analogue 9600,and
check to see if it works. Once your connection works on Analog, you can try the V110/V120
settings. V110/V120 connects faster than analog. When roaming you may need to repeat this
procedure to adapt your settings to the capability of the network.
12. Select the Options tab in the Advanced dialog to specify a
callback number, if required. Callback is a service that allows the
call direction to be reversed. If you want to watch the progress of
a callback in a terminal window click the Show Terminal
Window After Dialing box.
See Appendix A - Connection Parameters on page 103, for
descriptions of the updateable parameters in the Advanced dialog. Click Apply to save any
changes before closing the dialog.