Save configuration .vi, Semicolon string to array .vi, Set energy and units .vi – SIGMA LBA-708 User Manual
Page 271: General vi examples for the lba-pc, B.3 general vi examples for the lba-pc

Input Output
Operator’s Manual
Doc. No. 10654-001, Rev 4.10
below in detail. The remaining are covered with a brief description of their operation. All of
these examples are contained in the LBA-PC.LLB library file.
1. GPIB address
2. Run/Stop boolean
3. Error in
1. Error out
B.2.20 Save Configuration .vi
Description: Save a configuration file to remote machine.
Input Output
1. GPIB address
2. CFG file name string
3. Error in
1.Error out
B.2.21 Semicolon String to Array .vi
Description: Translate a string with semicolon delimiters to an array.
Input Output
1. Input string
1. The array
2. The total # of rows in the
B.2.22 Set Energy and Units .vi
Description: Set the quantity of energy and energy unit (set zero to re-init).
Input Output
1. GPIB address
2. Energy
3. Unit
4. Error in
1. Error out
B.3 General VI Examples for the LBA-PC
The following examples demonstrate how to use the above SubVI’s to build laser beam
diagnostic LabVIEW virtual instrument applications. Two of these examples are described