Siemens C79000 Z7076 C638 04 User Manual
Page 72
Technical Specifications
SIMATIC Box PC 620 Operating Manual
Technical Specifications of the SIMATIC Box PC 620
Order nos.
See order documentation
Dimensions (w x h x d)
295x265x80 mm, without CD-ROM drive
295x265x100 mm, with CD-ROM drive
approx. 6kg (13.5 lbs.)
Supply voltage (U
120 V (85 V to 132 V (AC),
or 230 V (170 V to 264 V) AC (autorange)
alternative: 24 V (DC)
Line voltage frequency
50/60 Hz (47 to 63 Hz)
Brief voltage interruption acc. to Namur
max. 20 ms at O.85 U
(max. 10 times per hour; min. recovery time 1 s)
max. power consumption
max. current output (DC)
(in total max. 84W)
Noise emission
< 55dB(A) to DIN 45635
Protection class
Protection class I pursuant IEC 60536
Safety specifications
IEC 60950 corresponds to DIN VDE 0805
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Emitted interference
EN 55011 Class A (requirement for industrial sector)
Noise immunity:
Mains borne disturbance variables on supply
2 kV
(to IEC 61000-4-4; Burst)
1 kV
(to IEC 61000-4-5; Surge symm)
2 kV
(to IEC 61000-4-5; Surge unsymm)
Noise immunity on signal lines
1 kV
(IEC 61000-4-4; Burst; length < 3m)
2 kV
(IEC 61000-4-4; Burst; length > 3m)
1 kV
(IEC 61000-4-4; Surge symm;
length > 20 m)
2 kV
(to IEC 61000-4-4:1995; Surge unsymm;
length > 20 m)
Noise immunity to discharges of static electricity
6 kV Contact discharge
(to IEC 61000-4-2)
8 kV Air discharge
(to IEC 61000-4-2)
Immunity to RF interference
10 V/m 80-1000 MHz, 80% AM (to IEC 61000-4-3)
10 V/m 900 MHz and 1,89 GHz, 50% ED
(to IEC 61000-4-3)
10 V 9KHz- 80MHz
(to IEC 61000-4-6)
Magnetic field
30 A/m 50Hz
(to IEC 61000-4-8)