IBM VERSION 5 SY44-5902-05 User Manual
Page 44

there is no practical limit to the number of requests you can have waiting to be
processed. When you exit the Licensed Internal Code Log display, all the dumps
that are running end. To determine the dump status, use the Display the status of the
Licensed Internal Code option.
For more information, see iSeries Licensed Internal Code Diagnostic Aids - Volume 1.
Licensed Internal Code (LIC) trace:
Select this option from the Start a Service
Tool display.
The Licensed Internal Code trace option is also available under System Service
Tools (SST).
This option allows you to activate (resume) or deactivate (suspend) a trace of the
Licensed Internal Code so that you can gather information on the internal
operation of Licensed Internal Code. Trace data can be collected by:
v Component
v Machine interface instruction-supervisory linkage (SVL)
v Multi-programming level (MPL)
v Transaction
v Task and thread performance data
The trace is placed in a trace table. Information in the table can be displayed or
dumped to a printer. This command also allows you to create, allocate (size), clear,
or delete a table. For more information, see iSeries Licensed Internal Code Diagnostic
Aids - Volume 1.
Hardware service manager:
Select this option from the Start a Service Tool
The Hardware service manager option is also available under System Service
Tools (SST).
This option allows you to display, work with, and print the stored hardware
resources information. For more information on the hardware service manager
function, see Chapter 2, “Hardware Service Manager” on page 45.
Main storage dump manager:
Select this option from the Start a Service Tool
The Main storage dump manager option is also available under System Service
Tools (SST).
The Main Storage Dump Manager display is available when you press Enter on
the Main Storage Dump Occurred display.
The main storage dump manager manages and processes main storage dumps. It
allows you to copy main storage dump information and work with the current
main storage dump. The current main storage dump is the latest dump on the
system. It is stored on the load-source disk.
If you do not copy the dump data on the load-source disk to
removable media or the MSD library, it will be replaced by the next main storage
dump and lost at the next IPL.
The Main storage dump manager option allows you to:
Service Functions V5R2