IBM ISERIES SC41-5210-04 User Manual

Page 53

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Select Record Format

File ID . . . . . :


File . . . . . . . :


Library . . . . :


Type option (and Format), press Enter.


Opt Format










F11=Display text


F23=Long comment

At the top of the display, the File ID field shows the file ID of the file that appears in the File field. This file
is the one for which you want to choose a record format. The Library field shows the library in which the
file is stored.

The names of the record formats that you can select for the file shown at the top of the display are shown
in the Format column. You can choose a record format by either typing a 1 in the Opt column to the left of
the record format or by typing a record format name (and a 1 in the Opt column next to it) in the first
position in the list.

If you specify a record format name in the top position, that record format must also exist at this time. If
you specify

*FIRST, the format name on the previous display is changed to the actual name of the first

record format in the file. It is possible that some record formats cannot be used with certain file members,
but this is not determined until the Specify File Selections display is processed.

You can use F11 to alternate between showing a list of only record format names to showing a list of both
record format names and text describing the record formats.

When you press the Enter key, you return to the Specify File Selections display, and the name of the
format that you selected is shown in the Format prompt that you came from. If you return to the previous
display without selecting or specifying a name, the previous record format name or value is not changed.

Displaying all files selected on the Query for iSeries Display File
Selections display

The Display File Selections display appears when you press F18 (Files) from a display where F18 is listed
on the bottom of the display. The Display File Selections display shows all the files that you selected for
use in the query. For each file, this display shows you the file ID, the library containing the file, and the file
member and record format that are to be used. The information on this display is for your information only;
it cannot be changed here.

Chapter 4. Specifying and selecting files for a Query for iSeries query