Using query for iseries function keys – IBM ISERIES SC41-5210-04 User Manual

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Using Query for iSeries function keys

Function keys like Enter, Help, and Print can be used at any time with any query display. However, not all
the function keys (such as F3, F4, and F11) apply to all displays. Each display shows, at the bottom of the
display, which function keys are commonly used with that display (all the available keys may not be
shown). If you want to know how all the available keys work on a particular display, move the cursor to the
function key section of that display and press the Help key.

Checking the results before printing the Query for iSeries report

Function keys F5 (Report) and F13 (Layout) can be used to check the results of your work at many points
in the query definition process. That is, during query definition, you can use these keys to see if you are
getting the output results you expected. If so, you can continue on with confidence; if not, you can make
whatever changes are necessary to get what you want before you move on to the next definition step. In
some situations, looking at the layout may be more useful than looking at the report, and vice versa (for
example, F13 can be used when there is no data in a file that is used by the query).

Before printing a query report, remember the following:
v F5 (Report) uses all the information you have defined so far in this and previous definition steps to run

the query and display the results. The results are shown on the Display Report display in report form.

Note: If Query finds errors in numeric fields when your query is run, an error message might be

displayed or the field value might be shown in the output as plus signs (

++++). Plus signs are

also used to indicate division by zero and overflow (when the overflow occurs as data is being
taken from the file). You can specify that Query ignore any numeric field errors—see “Ignoring
decimal data errors during Query for iSeries processing” on page 164
for more information.
Asterisks (

*****) are shown if the field length and/or number of decimal positions was changed

on the Specify Report Column Formatting display to a size too small for the value to be shown.

When the query is run, if Query finds conversion errors either in the date, time, or timestamp
fields, or in character fields due to the coded character set identifier (CCSID), plus signs (++++)
are shown in the output. Plus signs are also shown if the data is not good or overflows.

Field, break text, minimum, maximum, average, and total values can be null and are represented by a
dash (-) on the display.

v F13 (Layout) uses all the information that you have defined so far to show the column heading and field

layout without actually running the report.

On the Display Report Layout display, Xs show SBCS character data and 9s show numeric data. The
current date, time, or timestamp shows where date, time, or timestamp data is.

If floating-point fields are present:
v 9‘s and 0’s, followed by E +029, represent single-precision data.
v 9‘s and 0’s, followed by E +299, represent double-precision data.
v You may also see 1.00 for a floating-point field if the data is smaller than the size selected by Query

(which is a length of four with two decimal positions).

If you are using a DBCS-capable display and if DBCS fields are present, you may see:
v Double-byte J’s, which represent DBCS-only data. DBCS-only fields contain only DBCS data.
v Double-byte O’s, which represent DBCS-open (mixed) data. DBCS-open (mixed) fields contain DBCS

data, SBCS data, or a mixture of both types of data.

v Double-byte E’s, which represent DBCS-either data. DBCS-either fields contain either all SBCS data or

all DBCS data, but not both in the same field.

v Double-byte G’s, which represent DBCS-graphic data. DBCS-graphic fields contain only DBCS-graphic



Query for iSeries Use V5R2