Query for iseries profile information, Handling query for iseries messages and errors, Changing your query for iseries queries – IBM ISERIES SC41-5210-04 User Manual

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v Change or display a query from the Work with Queries display or use the run-time record selection

option of the RUNQRY command, and the query was defined with a numeric constant and the decimal
separator saved with the query does not match your current decimal separator.

v Press F17 from the Select Records display.
v Press F17 from the Define Result Fields display.

OS/400 date formats are MDY, YMD, DMY, and JUL. The valid OS/400 time format is HHMMSS.

Query for iSeries profile information

Query creates and maintains a query profile for each user. The profile is automatically created the first
time you use the Query utility program, and its values are updated automatically whenever you specify
certain values or press certain keys. You do not have to worry about creating or changing this profile.

You may notice that some prompts on some of the displays are already filled in when the display is first
presented to you. These values may have been obtained from your profile, because Query uses it to make
your definition tasks easier by providing certain information at the appropriate time.

The values that are stored in your Query profile are:
v The library you last used on the Work with Queries display
v The library you last used to specify your first file selection on the Specify File Selections display
v The library you last used to specify where database file output was to be stored
v Your list column mode (whether displays are to show names and text or just names only)
v Your report/layout display width (80 or 132)
v The current collating sequence option
v Your collating sequence and coded character set identifier (CCSID)
v The collating sequence table and library name

Handling Query for iSeries messages and errors

You should not worry about making errors while working with Query. Query either prompts you for needed
input or issues an error message. You can correct your errors by responding to either of these. If you want
to obtain help for any message that Query issues to you, move the cursor to the message line and press
the Help key or F1.

Some of the things that may go wrong are:
v You specify a value that is not listed as a possible choice.
v You are not authorized to use a query, file, or table that you specified, or a file is currently being used.
v You change your mind after entering something.

Changing your Query for iSeries queries

Whether you change your mind about something you have already entered because it was a mistake or
because you thought of a better way to get what you want, you will find it is very easy to change things in

If you are still creating or changing your query, you can go back to previous displays by using F12. If you
press F12 on a display, all of the new entries or changes you made on that display are ignored. Pressing
F10 on a display keeps all of your new entries or changes and shows you the previous display. You can
also return to the Define the Query display and choose the option(s) that you want to change or add.

If you define and save the query before you notice that the results are not what you want, just choose
option 2 (Change) on the Work with Queries display and change the query. When changing a query, you


Query for iSeries Use V5R2