Using lists in query for iseries, Displaying a query for iseries list – IBM ISERIES SC41-5210-04 User Manual

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DBCS characters take twice the amount of space of SBCS characters. In addition, a shift-out character
precedes DBCS data, and a shift-in character follows the data. The shift-out and shift-in characters are
called DBCS bracket characters. DBCS-graphic data is stored in the database without bracket characters;
however, the bracket characters are present when DBCS-graphic data is displayed or printed.

Although you must use a DBCS display to type or read data contained in DBCS fields, you do not need to
use a DBCS display to display the layout of a report that uses DBCS fields. However, the layout may not
be readable.

You can look at the displayed results and determine whether the spacing between columns, the length of
each field, and the column headings produce the results you want.

Note: The displayed report or report layout contains all the entries or changes that you have made this

far, including those typed just before you pressed F5 or F13.

Printing what you see on your Query for iSeries display

You can use the Print key to print a copy of what you see on any Query display at any time. You may find
this useful during query definition, for example, when you type many values in the fields on a display, such
as on the Define Result Fields display or on the Select Records display. The printed copy of the displayed
information is printed on the printer that is associated with your display station.

You can also use the Print key, when needed, to print the displayed output of the function keys F5
(Report) and F13 (Layout). However, only what is shown on the display is printed. If your report or layout
is wider than the display and you have not specified that line wrapping be used, the far right side of the
report is cut off and is not printed. In this case, you could use the shift function keys to move text lines to
the right and then press the Print key again to obtain a printout of the remainder (or possibly just more) of
the report.

Using lists in Query for iSeries

For many displays, Query provides lists of items that can be used to complete the prompts. Those items
might include:
v Libraries you are authorized to use
v Queries you are authorized to use
v Files you are authorized to use
v Record formats for a specified file
v Members for a specified file
v Fields available for your query
v Translation tables

The lists eliminate the need to memorize names, and they also reduce the number of potential typing

Displaying a Query for iSeries list

You can obtain a list of an item (for example, a list of files or a list of libraries) by moving the cursor to the
prompt and pressing F4 (Prompt) so that the list appears. Note that you cannot display a list for just any
item on a display; the items for which lists are available are signified by a comment next to the prompt that
you can use F4 to obtain a list.

You could also obtain a particular subset of a list of items by typing a generic name or a special library
name in the prompt or prompts before you press F4. (For more information on special library names, see
“Special library names in Query for iSeries” on page 10.) Typing a generic name (such as

ABC*) in a

prompt that allows generic names limits the items in the list by choosing only the items that begin with
those characters (


Chapter 2. General operating information for Query for iSeries