IBM ISERIES SC41-5210-04 User Manual
Page 47

v If you type a generic library name (in the form of ABC*) or special library name in this prompt and press
the Enter key, that library group is searched for the file named in the File prompt. If the file is found in
one of the libraries, the name of that library replaces the special library or generic name.
v If you type a generic library name (in the form of ABC*) or a special library name and then press F4 with
the cursor in this prompt, the specified list of library names is shown on the Select Library display.
When you select the library you want from the list and press the Enter key, you return to this display
with the selected name filled in. For an explanation of these special library names, see “Special library
names in Query for iSeries” on page 10.
If you specify
*CURLIB as the library name for a file selection and you do not have a current library, QGPL
replaces the
*CURLIB value.
Choosing a member or record format for a Query for iSeries query
Similarly, for each file selection, if you want to choose from a list of members or record formats, move the
cursor to that prompt and press F4 to see the associated display, and select the member name (or format
name) you want to be used with that file. Then, when you return to the Specify File Selections display, that
name is shown in the prompt. If you did not select a member name, Query supplies
*FIRST in the Member
prompt. If you did not select a format name, Query resolves the special default value and supplies the first
format name in the Format prompt.
Selecting multiple files for a Query for iSeries query
If you want to include additional files for your query, press F9 (Add file) each time you want another file
selection. If you have completed the previous file selections for this query, a new group of prompts is
shown for you to fill in; the File prompt is blank, and the other prompts show default values that you can
change. (However, if you have not filled in a file name for one of the file selections, F9 moves the cursor
to the blank File prompt instead of giving you a new file selection.)
Specify File Selections
Type choices, press Enter. Press F9 to specify an additional
file selection.
File . . . . . . . . . .
Name, F4 for list
Library . . . . . . .
Name, *LIBL, F4 for list
Mem ber . . . . . . . . .
Name, *FIRST, F4 for list
Format . . . . . . . . .
Name, *FIRST, F4 for list
File ID . . . . . . . .
A-Z99, *ID
File . . . . . . . . . .
Name, F4 for list
Library . . . . . . .
Name, *LIBL, F4 for list
Mem ber . . . . . . . . .
Name, *FIRST, F4 for list
Format . . . . . . . . .
Name, *FIRST, F4 for list
File ID . . . . . . . .
A-Z99, *ID
F9=Add file
F24=More keys
If you are working with multiple files on this display, use the page keys to move forward or backward in the
list of file selections. If you press F18 (Files), you can also see this information in a different form. F18
takes you to the Display File Selections display and shows you the names of all the files, libraries, file
members, record formats, and file IDs for all the files currently defined in this query definition.
If you try to leave the Specify File Selections display before you specify how multiple files are to be joined,
Query assumes that the type of join is a 1 (Matched records) and shows you the Specify How to Join Files
display so you can specify the necessary join test specifications.
Chapter 4. Specifying and selecting files for a Query for iSeries query