IBM ISERIES SC41-5210-04 User Manual

Page 51

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To return to the complete list of file names, blank out this prompt (or put an * in it) and press the Enter

To move (position) the list of file names so that it starts with a particular name, move the cursor to the
Position to prompt and type all of the characters or one or more of the starting characters in the name you
want, and press the Enter key. (Do not add an * after the starting characters in this prompt.) If a specific
library name is used in the Library prompt, Query moves the list so that the first position shown contains
the first file name that starts with the characters you typed.

If there is no file name in the list that starts with those characters, Query moves the list to the name
closest to, and in front of, the position where the name would have appeared. If a special library name or
generic library name is used in the Library prompt, the list is repositioned only if the Position to prompt
value exactly matches a complete file name.

Use F11 to alternate between showing a list of only file names to showing a list of both file names and text
describing the files.

Once you have located the files you want, type a 1 beside each file name (if more than one is allowed),
including the file name in the top position in the list. If you are selecting multiple files, you can select as
many 32 files, including those previously selected for this query. Note that if join logical files are used, you
are only able to select less than 32 files because each file used in the join logical file is counted as one of
the 32 files. For example, if three physical files were joined into one join logical file, this join logical file is
counted as three files, not one.

After you have made your file selections, press the Enter key to return to the Specify File Selections
display. All the files you selected are added to the file selections, if any, that were there previously. (Any
blanked out file selections are filled in first and new ones are added at the end as needed.) The files are
added, each with its own group of file selection prompts, in the same order as they existed on the Select
File display. They are also assigned file IDs to match the number of the file selection or, if that number is
taken, to the lowest possible value that is available in the range of T01 through T32, which you can
change if you wish.

Selecting file members on the Query for iSeries Select Member display

The Select Member display appears when you position the cursor on the Member prompt of a display and
press F4 (Prompt). The Select Member display shows you a list of members and allows you to select the
one from which your query can obtain data or the one to which the output from your query is received.
This display appears only when you are creating or changing a query definition.

Chapter 4. Specifying and selecting files for a Query for iSeries query