IBM DS8000 User Manual

Page 333

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Chapter 14. Data migration in zSeries environments


CDS Name . . . . . : SYS1.DFSMS.SCDS
Storage Group Name : XC
Storage Group Type : POOL

Select One of the following Options:


1. Display - Display SMS Volume Statuses (Pool & Copy Pool Backup only)

2. Define - Add Volumes to Volume Serial Number List

3. Alter - Alter Volume Statuses (Pool & Copy Pool Backup only)

4. Delete - Delete Volumes from Volume Serial Number List

Specify a Single Volume (in Prefix), or Range of Volumes:
Prefix From To Suffix Type
______ ______ ______ _____ _

XC 6510 6514 X

Use ENTER to Perform Selection;
Use HELP Command for Help; Use END Command to Exit.

The panel in Example 14-9 on page 310 provides a list in the lower third of the screen where
you can specify ranges of VOLSERs, which will then be changed all at once. This is,
therefore, more powerful than the SMS system commands, which are on a single volume
level only.

The following panel in this sequence, shown in Example 14-10, is a confirmation panel that
displays the current SMS volume status which we plan to alter. It also shows the system
names which belong to the SMS-plex. A SMS-plex is usually congruent with the underlying
Parallel Sysplex®.

Example 14-10 Display current SMS volume status before altering



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Command ===>

SCDS Name . . . . . . : SYS1.DFSMS.SCDS
Storage Group Name . : XC
Volume Serial Numbers : XC6510 - XC6514

To ALTER SMS Volume Status, Specify:

System/Sys SMS Vol System/Sys SMS Vol ( Possible SMS Vol
Group Name Status Group Name Status Status for each:
---------- ------- ---------- ------- NOTCON, ENABLE,
===> ===> QUIALL, QUINEW )
===> ===>
===> ===> * SYS GROUP = sysplex
===> ===> minus systems in the
===> ===> sysplex explicitly
===> ===> defined in the SCDS
===> ===>

In this panel we overtype the SMS volume status with the desired status change. This shows
in the following panel, shown in Example 14-11 on page 312.