8 usage examples, Usage examples – IBM DS8000 User Manual

Page 265

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Chapter 11. DS CLI


echo A DS CLI application error occurred.
goto end
echo An authentication error occurred. Check the userid and password.
goto end
echo A DS CLI Server error occurred.
goto end
echo A connection error occurred. Try pinging
echo If this fails call network support on 555-1001
goto end
echo A syntax error. Check the syntax of the command using online help.
goto end
echo No errors were encountered.

Using this sample script, Example 11-10 shows what happens if there is a network problem
between the DS CLI client and server (in this example a 2105-800). The DS CLI provides the
error code (in this case CMUN00018E) which can be looked up in the DS CLI Users Guide
(referred to in “Introduction” on page 232). The DS CLI also provides the exit status (in this
example, exit status = 3). Finally, the batch file interprets the return code and provides the
user with some additional tips to resolve the problem.

Example 11-10 Return code examples

C:\Program Files\IBM\dscli> checkflash.bat
CMUN00018E lsflash: Unable to connect to the management console server
exit status of dscli = 3
A connection error occurred. Try pinging
If this fails call network support on 555-1001

C:\Program Files\IBM\dscli>

11.8 Usage examples

It is not the intent of this section to list every DS CLI command and its syntax. If you need to
see a list of all the available commands, or require assistance using DS CLI commands, you
are better served by reading the

IBM TotalStorage DS8000 Command-Line Interface User’s

Guide, SC26-7625, and IBM TotalStorage DS6000 Command-Line Interface User’s Guide,
SC26-7681. Or you can use the online help. Example 11-11 gives a sample configuration
script showing most of the storage management commands that are used on a DS6000 or

Example 11-11 Example of a configuration script

# The following command creates a CKD extent pool (CKD extent pool P0 will be created)
mkextpool -dev IBM.2107-9999999 -rankgrp 0 -stgtype ckd ckd_ext_pool0

# The following command creates an array (array A0 will be created)
mkarray -dev IBM.2107-9999999 -raidtype 5 S1

# The following command creates a rank (CKD rank R0 will be created)
mkrank -dev IBM.2107-9999999 -array A0 -stgtype ckd