3 ds8000 licensed functions, Ds8000 licensed functions – IBM DS8000 User Manual

Page 189

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Chapter 9. Configuration planning


Regardless of the type of connectivity (VPN or ftp), no customer data is transmitted to IBM.

9.3 DS8000 licensed functions

Licensed functions

are the storage unit’s operating system and functions. Each licensed

function indicator feature selected on a DS8000 base unit enables that function at the system
level. These features enable a licensed function subject to you applying a feature activation
code made available by IBM. They are also used for maintenance billing purposes. These
include both required features and optional features.

Table 9-2 provides the appropriate licensed function indicators for each licensed function.

Table 9-2 Licensed function indicators

9.3.1 Operating environment license (OEL) - required feature

You must order an operating environment license (OEL) feature, the IBM TotalStorage DS
Operating Environment, for every storage unit. The operating environment model and
features establish the extent of IBM authorization for the use of the IBM TotalStorage DS
Operating Environment. This operating environment license support function is called the
2244 Model OEL. The OEL licenses the operating environment and is based on the total
physical capacity of the storage unit (base model plus any expansion models). It authorizes
you to use the model configuration at a given capacity level.

Once the OEL has been technically activated for the storage unit, you can configure the
storage unit. Activating the OEL means that you have obtained the feature activation key from
the IBM disk storage feature activation (DSFA) Web site and entered it into the DS8000
Storage Manager. The feature activation process is discussed in more detail in 9.3.7, “Disk
storage feature activation” on page 173

Table 9-3 on page 168 provides the feature codes for the operating environment license. (The
codes apply to models 921,922, and 9A2.)

Note: Data sent using the ftp protocol is neither encrypted nor authenticated.

Licensed function

IBM 2107 indicator feature

IBM 2244 function
authorization models and

Operating environment


Model OEL 70xx

Point-in-Time Copy


Model PTC 72xx

Remote Mirror and Copy


Model RMC 74xx

Remote Mirror for z/OS


Model RMZ 76xx

Parallel Access Volumes


Model PAV 78xx

Note: Standby CoD disk drive features do not count toward the physical capacity.