METRObility Optical Systems 8124-01-M User Manual
Page 114

CenturyStack 8100 Managed Hub
System Utility
The System Utility Menu lets you download microcode, restart the Hub,
reset the Hub to the factory default, set the login time-outs, configure the
upload settings and request an upload.
System Utility Menu
System Download: System downloads are used to update system
software or replace existing software that has become corrupted.
System Restart: The system can be restarted at any time and is
required after certain configuration settings are made.
Factory Reset: The system can be reset to the original settings,
however all custom settings will be lost.
Login Timeout Interval: Set the amount of time before a Telnet
automatically logs out, when requesting an upload.
Configuration Upload Setting: Set the IP Address of the server
and the file name to be uploaded.
Configuration Upload Request/Status: Submit a request for a
configuration file upload.