Bevel cutting – Grizzly Extren Series Jointer g9860 User Manual
Page 32

Extreme series Jointer (Mfg. since 9/11)
bevel cutting
the purpose of bevel cutting on the jointer is to
cut a specific angle of the workpiece edge (see
Figures 44–45.
your jointer has fence stops that can be set at
90° or 45°. if your operation requires a different
angle, the fence can be locked in place anywhere
between these angles.
Figure 44. Fence setup for a bevel cut of 45°.
Figure 45. illustration of bevel cutting results.
To bevel cut on the jointer:
1. disCoNNECt JoiNtEr FroM poWEr!
2. Make sure you read and follow the Safety
Instructions beginning on page 6 and the
Stock Inspection & Requirement rules
beginning on
page 26.
3. Verify that the outfeed table height is properly
set (refer to
Setting Outfeed Table height
page 19).
4. set the depth of cut for your operation and
the fence to the required angle.
Note: We suggest
" depth of cut for
bevel cutting, and a more shallow depth for
hardwood species or for wide stock.
5. if your workpiece is cupped or warped, place
it so the concave side is face down on the
infeed table.
6. Connect the jointer to power and turn it ON.
7. With a push block in each hand, press
the workpiece against the infeed table and
the fence with firm pressure, then feed the
workpiece over the cutterhead.
Note: When your leading hand comes within
4" of the cutterhead, lift that push block up
and place it on the workpiece portion that is
on the outfeed table. Now, focus the down-
ward pressure with the leading hand while
feeding, then repeat the same action with
your trailing hand when it comes within 4" of
the cutterhead. Keep your hands safe! DO
NOT allow them to get any closer than 4" to
the cutterhead.
8. repeat Step 7 until the bevel cut is satisfac-