Grizzly Extren Series Jointer g9860 User Manual
Page 12

Extreme series Jointer (Mfg. since 9/11)
Note: The circuit requirements listed in this man-
ual apply to a dedicated circuit—where only one
machine will be running at a time. If this machine
will be connected to a shared circuit where mul-
tiple machines will be running at the same time,
consult a qualified electrician to ensure that the
circuit is properly sized for safe operation.
Serious injury could occur if you connect
the machine to power before completing the
setup process. DO NOT connect to power
until instructed later in this manual.
circuit Requirements for G9953/
Full-Load current Rating ................... 25 amps
Nominal voltage .............................. 220v/240v
cycle ..........................................................60 hz
phase .................................................... 1-phase
circuit Rating ...................................... 30 amps
plug/Receptacle ...........................NEMa L6-30
cord .........3-Wire, 10 aWG, 300vac, “S”-Type
Figure 4. typical l6-30 plug and receptacle.
^h=dd`ZY 8jggZci8Vggn^c\Egdc\h L6-30 GROUNDED LOCKING RECEPTACLE L6-30 LOCKING PLUG G9953 & G9953ZX G9953ZXF circuit Requirements for 220v Operation Full-Load current Rating ................... 14 amps Nominal voltage .............................. 220v/240v cycle ..........................................................60 hz phase .................................................... 3-phase circuit Rating ...................................... 20 amps connection ......hardwire with Locking Switch G9953ZXF circuit Requirements for 440v Operation I]^h bVX]^cZ XVc WZ XdckZgiZY id deZgViZ dc V Voltage Conversion ^chigjXi^dchi]Vi]VhVkZg^[^ZY\gdjcYVcYbZZih Full-Load current Rating ..................... 7 amps Nominal voltage .............................. 440v/480v cycle ..........................................................60 hz phase .................................................... 3-phase Rated Size ........................................... 15 amps connection ......hardwire with Locking Switch Figure 5. typical setup of a permanently connected machine. EdlZg HdjgXZ AdX`^c\ 9^hXdccZXiHl^iX] BVX]^cZ 8dcYj^i 8dcYj^i 6eZgbVcZcianXdccZXiZY]VgYl^gZYedlZghje" Figure! bjhi WZ egdk^YZY id Vaadl i]Z bVX]^cZ g9953zXF I]^h bVX]^cZ ^h egZl^gZY id deZgViZ dc V ''%K
bdjciZY VcY hZXjgZY XdcYj^i# 6 Y^hXdccZXi^c\
bZVch! hjX] Vh V adX`^c\ hl^iX] hZZ [daadl^c\
id WZ Y^hXdccZXiZY ^hdaViZY [gdb i]Z edlZg
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