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Table 5.8 Features Register values (subcommands) and functions (2/2)
SMART Read Logging Data:
This subcommand is used to transfer logging data that transfer length specified in SC
register is to the host.
The setting of SN register is described Log Sector Address below. When SN register
is set 00h, 01h, or 06h, SC register should be set to 01h. When SN register is set
80h-9Fh, SC register should be set 01h to maximum value that shows in the Log
Log Sector Address
01h (SC register 01h):
SMART Error Log
(See Table 5.12)
06h (SC register 01h):
SMART Self Test Log
(See Table 5.13)
Host vendor specific
When the device receives these subcommands, it asserts the BSY bit and transfers
logging data to the host, then clears the BSY bit.
SMART Write Logging Data:
The device receives the logging data that transfer length specified in SC register from
the host. SN register should be set the Log Sector Address below, and SC register
should be set 01h to maximum value that shows in the Log Directory.
Log Sector Address
Host vendor specific
When the device receives these subcommands, it asserts the BSY bit and receives
logging data from the host, then clears the BSY bit.
SMART Enable Operations:
This subcommand enables the failure prediction feature. The setting is maintained
even when the device is turned off and then on.
When the device receives this subcommand, it asserts the BSY bit, enables the failure
prediction feature, then clears the BSY bit.
SMART Disable Operations:
This subcommand disables the failure prediction feature. The setting is maintained
even when the device is turned off and then on.
When the device receives this subcommand, it asserts the BSY bit, disables the
failure prediction feature, then clears the BSY bit.
SMART Return Status:
When the device receives this subcommand, it asserts the BSY bit and saves the
current device attribute values. Then the device compares the device attribute values
with insurance failure threshold values. If there is an attribute value exceeding the
threshold, F4h and 2Ch are loaded into the CL and CH registers. If there are no
attribute values exceeding the thresholds, 4Fh and C2h are loaded into the CL and
CH registers. After the settings for the CL and CH registers have been determined,
the device clears the BSY bit.
SMART Enable/Disable Automatic Off-line:
The device that receives this subcommand enables (SC register
00h) or disables
(SC register = 00h) automatic off-line data collection. The condition is maintained
even when the device is turned off and turned on.
When the failure prediction feature and automatic off-line data collection are
enabled, an off-line data collection shall be performed regardless of host issued
command after more than 4 hours passed since power-on or the previous off-line data
When the device receives this subcommand, it asserts the BSY bit, enables or
disables automatic off-line data collection, then clears the BSY bit.