3 alarm history file settings, Alarm history file settings – FUJITSU ETERNUSmgr P2X0-0202-01EN User Manual
Page 24

Chapter 2 Setup
2.3 Setting Items
ETERNUS Disk storage systems ETERNUSmgr User Guide -Introduction-
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
Sender Mail Address
This parameter is used to change the address from which mail is sent when an error is detected
in the ETERNUS Disk storage system.
[Default value]
MAIL_FROM (Up to 64 characters)
To change the sender address to "[email protected]"
Alarm History File Settings
This section explains the alarm history file settings. See
"6.1 Alarm History Messages" (page 52)
for details of the alarm history files.
Alarm History File Directory
Each time an abnormality is detected in a machine, a copy of the alarm window that details the
occurrence of the abnormality is saved as an HTML file. The directory in which these Alarm His-
tory Files are saved must be specified as an absolute path.
This is a required parameter. ETERNUSmgr will not start if this parameter has not been set.
The default setting is the "html_1" directory under the "www" Top Menu directory specified during
installation (specifically "/opt/FJSVgrmgr/www/html_1/" for the Solaris OS, HP-UX, AIX, and
Linux versions, and "C:\Program Files\FUJITSU\ETERNUSmgr\www\html_1\" for the Windows®
version, if the normal installation defaults are accepted.). However, if this is likely to overload the
file system, consult with the server administrator and change it to a more suitable directory (e.g.
" / v a r / F J S V g r m g r / w w w / h t m l _ 1 / " f o r S o l a r i s O S , H P - U X , A I X , a n d L i n u x , o r
"D:\ETERNUSmgr\www\html_1\" for Windows®).
HTML_ALARMFILE_PATH (up to 64 characters)
Changing the Solaris OS, HP-UX, AIX, and Linux version settings to
This parameter is not described in the initial setup file. Add if necessary.