Furuno FAR-2107 User Manual
Page 80

7. With the cursor choosing the MARK box, roll the wheel to choose mark
number desired (“ORIGIN MARK(No.)” chosen at step 4) or origin mark
symbol (“ORIGIN MARK(SYM)” chosen at step 4) and then push the left
button. The following origin marks are available.
Origin mark (symbols)
8. Push the left button again. The cursor jumps into the effective display area
and the guidance box now reads “MARK / EXIT.”
9. Roll the trackball to place the cursor on the location desired.
10. Push the left button to inscribe the origin mark at the cursor location. The
bearing and range from the origin mark to the cursor location are shown just
below the MARK box.
-> +
T 11.7
Bearing and range from
origin mark to cursor
Mark box, showing bearing and range from origin mark
To inscribe a different standard origin mark number or symbol origin mark,
repeat steps 7-10. (ORIGIN MARK(No.) or (ORIGIN MARK(SYM) should be
preselected as appropriate.)
To quit entering origin marks, push the right button when the guidance box
reads “MARK / EXIT.”
Origin mark data reads “- - -.-” when the cursor is placed outside the effective
display area.