FieldServer FS-8704-06 User Manual

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FS-8704-06 BACnet IP Driver Manual

Page 46 of 57

FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:

Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 2269 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email: [email protected]

Appendix C.6. Trending using OniconTrend Log Objects

The FieldServer BACnet driver has been updated to support trending using Trend Log objects. A Map Descriptor is
required for each Trend log to be added to the device. The following parameters are specific to this application.

Section Title
Map Descriptors
Column Title


Legal Values


The Data Array containing the data which the
Trend Log will log

One of the Data Arrays specified
in Section 4.


The position in the Data Array of the data value
to be logged

0 to (Data_Array_Length -1), -


The maximum number of records that will be
kept in the log buffer



How often a record will be stored. This is limited
to a minimum of 4 seconds.



This setting initializes the Enable property of the
Trend Log at start-up. Logging only takes place
while Enable is True (“Yes”). Note that this
property is writable from BACnet, the user has
the option to set it to “No” in the configuration
file and allow the BACnet Client to set the Enable
property as required.

Yes, No


The Client will need to read the log every “Log Interval x Log Buffer Size” to prevent losing data; e.g. 500
records x 4 seconds / record = 2000 seconds = 33.3 Minutes.

In this version the Stop_When_Full property is not writable or configurable, and is set to False.