Copyright notice – Adept EX SmartContoller User Manual

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Copyright Notice

The information contained herein is the property of Adept Technology, Inc., and shall not be reproduced
in whole or in part without prior written approval of Adept Technology, Inc. The information herein is
subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Adept Technology,
Inc. The documentation is periodically reviewed and revised.

Adept Technology, Inc., assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in the documentation. Crit-
ical evaluation of the documentation by the user is welcomed. Your comments assist us in preparation
of future documentation. Please submit your comments to:

[email protected]


Copyright 2012 by Adept Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Brain on Board is a registered trademark of Adept Technology, Inc. in Germany.

Adept ACE, Adept sDIO, Adept SmartController EX, Adept SmartVision EX, AdeptSight, and eV+ are

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Any trademarks from other companies used in this publication

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Created in the United States of America