Different views – Apple Keynote 3 User Manual
Page 21

Chapter 1
Overview of Keynote
You create a slideshow using a theme—a family of master slides—to ensure a
handsome and cohesive look throughout your presentation. Master slides provide
predesigned layouts for various kinds of slides, with coordinated fonts, textures, chart
properties, and more. Each theme contains a variety of master slides, making it easy to
add titles, bulleted text, and graphics.
As you work on your slides, you may want to zoom in or out to get a better view of
what you are doing.
To zoom in or out on the slide canvas:
Choose a magnification level from the pop-up menu at the bottom left of the slide
canvas. Or choose View > Zoom > [zoom level].
Different Views
Keynote gives you a choice of four views to streamline the way you work.
 Navigator: In navigator view, use the slide organizer at the left side of the Keynote
window to organize the slides in your presentation. This view displays a thumbnail
image of each slide. You can rearrange slides by dragging them, and you can indent
slides to group them. Navigator view is good for graphics-rich presentations.
 Outline: Use outline view to see a text version of your slides in the organizer. This is
a good view for presentations that contain mostly text. As in navigator view, you can
rearrange and indent slides.
 Slide Only: Switch to slide only view when you want to hide the slide organizers
and concentrate only on slides.
 Light Table: Light table view shows your slides as if they were arranged on a
photographer’s light table. You can move slides around until you have the sequence
you want.
To change from one view to the other:
Click View in the toolbar and choose an option (or choose View > Navigator, Outline,
Light Table, or Slide Only).