Dmxdart operation, Cue mode, Miscellaneous tools – Pathway DMX Dart Users Manual User Manual
Page 24

DMXDart Operation
Controlling Dimmers while in Moving Light Mode
The moving light TX submenu allows for the setting of DMX levels outside of
those channels used for moving lights. To set levels from the Moving Light Tx
function screen press MENU to enter the Moving Light Tx submenu. Press 3 -
DMX512 to switch to Tx mode. Enter DMX levels using the standard command
syntax, as outlined in the DMX512 Tx section of this manual. To return to the
Moving Light control display, press MENU, then 1 – Return to M/L Tx
This is a special mode of DMX512 transmit that allows fast switching between
DMX direct control and Moving Light control. The DMX 512 transmit options can
still be set up while operating in this mode.
Cue Mode
At the time of this manual’s publication, the cue mode remains under
development. Watch the Gray Interfaces website for updates. Features to
100+ Cues with memory backup
Fully programmable fade and wait times, as well as linking of cues.
Standard cue operation syntax.
RTC Mode
Backup Mode
Moving Light Mode ( With 16 bit support)
Miscellaneous Tools
The Misc Tools section contains 3 useful tools.
DMX cable tester
Set the DMXDart’s internal real-time clock.
DMXDart Self Test
Testing Cables
The DMXDart is able to test DMX data cables using 3 different methods:
Double ended continuity testing – checks the cable for shorts, opens, and
incorrect connections