Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions OmniPCX 3AK 19522 User Manual
Page 44
HHiiddiinngg yyoouurr ccaalllleerr''ss iiddeennttiittyy
Whether your phone is being used or is idle, you can hide the identity of your
correspondents. To do this, you need to have programmed a key with the code
""IIddeennttiittyy ddiissppllaayy"". To activate or to cancel this function, press the appropriate
programmed key.
RReeppoorrttiinngg m
maalliicciioouuss ccaallllss
If you answer a call and find it is malicious, you can report it.
Dial the code for the ""M
Maalliicciioouuss ccaallll"" function.
If the call came from an internal terminal, the fact will be reported to the system
If the call came from an outside line, it will be reported to the telephone company.
The "Malicious call" facility remains available for a few moments even if the person
hangs up immediately.
Allllooccaattiinngg ccaallllss ttoo ccuussttoom
meerr aaccccoouunntt ccooddeess
Outside calls can be charged to customer account numbers.
1. Lift the receiver.
2. Dial the code for the ""BBuussiinneessss aaccccoouunntt ccooddee pprreeffiixx"" function.
3. Then dial the appropriate account number.
4. Dial the prefix to access the public telephone network, followed by the number
of your correspondent.