Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions OmniPCX 3AK 19522 User Manual
Page 20
RReecceeiivviinngg ccaallllss dduurriinngg aa ccoonnvveerrssaattiioonn
During a call, you will be informed that an internal or external caller is trying to
ring you by a beep (single-line terminal) or by a line key flashing (multi-line
The new call is placed on hold and the display screen shows the caller's identity
for three seconds.
If you want to answer the call:
On a single-line terminal: dial the code for the ""CCoonnssuulltt ccaallll oonn hhoolldd"" function.
On a multi-line terminal: press the flashing line key.
The first call will automatically be placed on hold.
To recover the first call:
On a single-line terminal:
On a multi-line terminal: press the corresponding line key.
If you hang up without taking the second call, your telephone will automatically ring
If several calls arrive simultaneously, only the last is displayed.
To check the identity of callers on hold
and press the flashing line keys.
To cancel this consultation
Note: You can prevent calls from being placed on hold when your line is busy. Dial the code
for the function
mpp oonn ccoonnttrrooll