Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions OmniPCX 3AK 19522 User Manual

Page 30

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This connects you directly to his loudspeaker.
If he wants to reply to you, he has to lift the receiver.

HHuunntt ggrroouuppss

Some terminals may be grouped together.
You can call any of the terminals by dialling the number of the hunt group that it is

Note: You can always call a specific terminal by dialling its individual number rather than
the group number.


mppoorraarriillyy lleeaavviinngg yyoouurr hhuunntt ggrroouupp

Dial the code for the ""SSeett ggrroouupp eexxiitt"" function.

Note: You will still carry on receiving all calls addressed to you specifically. To return to the
group, press the appropriate programmed key or dial the code for the ""SSeett ggrroouupp eennttrryy""

SSeennddiinngg DDTTM

MFF ssiiggnnaallss

In the course of a call, you sometimes have to send DTMF signals down the line (for
example, if dealing with a bank service, an automatic attendant or a remote-
controlled answering machine).