Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions OmniPCX 3AK 19522 User Manual
Page 19
CCaalllliinngg aa sseeccoonndd ppeerrssoonn dduurriinngg aa ccoonnvveerrssaattiioonn ((eennqquuiirryy ccaallll))
During a conversation with either an internal or an external caller, you can call a
second person. There are several ways of doing this: by dialling the new number,
or using a programmed key, or from your personal directory. You will then be put
through to the second correspondent, and the first one will automatically be put on
To cancel the second call and return to the first,
(single-line mode) or
the first line key (multi-line mode).
If you press the wrong button, hang up.
Your phone will ring and you will be put through to your first caller.
CCaalllliinngg aann aassssoocciiaattee ((yyoouurr sseeccrreettaarryy oorr ccoolllleeaagguuee))
Each terminal may have another line linked to it (an associate) (see ""CChhaannggiinngg tthhee
aassssoocciiaattee nnuum
To call the associate line quickly, press the appropriate programmed key or dial
the code for the ""A
Assssoocciiaattee ccaallll"" function.
RReecceeiivviinngg aa ccaallll
Your terminal rings.
The display screen will show the caller's name or number.
To reply, lift the receiver.