Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions OmniPCX 3AK 19522 User Manual
Page 38
CChhoooossiinngg aa llaanngguuaaggee
To choose the language of the visual display, dial the code for the ""LLaanngguuaaggee""
The display screen will offer you several possibilities (Scroll through them using
For example:
F: French - GB: English - D: German - SP: Spanish - P: Portuguese - NL: Dutch -
DK: Danish - I: Italian - A: Austrian
Press the related numeric key to choose a language.
To confirm your choice
wiittcchhiinngg oonn tthhee lloouuddssppeeaakkeerr dduurriinngg aa ccaallll
During a call, to activate the loudspeaker
The volume is briefly indicated
on the display.
To switch the loudspeaker off,
Addjjuussttiinngg lloouuddssppeeaakkeerr vvoolluum
mee dduurriinngg aa ccoonnvveerrssaattiioonn
to activate the loudspeaker, then
to adjust the
volume (7 volume levels).
The loudspeaker volume level is indicated on the screen for a few seconds.