Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions OmniPCX 3AK 19522 User Manual
Page 31

1. Dial the code for the ""DDTTM
MFF eenndd ttoo eenndd ddiiaalllliinngg"" function.
2. Then dial the digits to be sent as DTMF signals.
This function ceases to operate when you hang up.
Note: If you know in advance that you are going to have to send DTMF signals, you can
prepare them in advance. Simply programme one key with the number you want to call,
then the code for the "DTMF end to end dialling" function, followed by # and the digits to
be sent. They will automatically be transmitted once the call is put through.
PPuuttttiinngg aa ccaalllleerr oonn ccoom
moonn hhoolldd
If you are one of a group, and you are in conversation with a caller on an internal
or external line, you can put him on common hold.
You must have a key programmed with the ""CCoom
moonn hhoolldd"" function.
You can put your correspondent on common hold (LED lit up fixed) and then press
this key to retrieve the call.
The fact that he is on hold is indicated to all other members of the group who have
a common hold facility and will be indicated by a flashing LED.
Any one of them can then pick up his call by using their common hold key.
CCaalllliinngg aann IISSDDN
N ccoorrrreessppoonnddeenntt
You can have access to ISDN services.