Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions OmniPCX 3AK 19522 User Manual

Page 21

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An outside call will be directed to the operator.
To cancel this restriction, use the same code.
The function remains valid until the next selection.

TTrraannssffeerrrriinngg aa ccaallll

If you are in the middle of a conversation, and you want to transfer your caller to
another terminal, dial the number of the other terminal direct.
Your caller will automatically be placed on hold.
Hang up the receiver (single-line terminal) or

(multi-line terminal).

With either of the methods given above, you can transfer the call immediately or
you can wait to see if the other line answers.

Note: It is not usually possible to transfer calls between two outside lines - this will depend
on your national telephone system.

PPuuttttiinngg yyoouurr ccaalllleerr oonn hhoolldd

If you are in conversation with an internal or external caller, you may want to put
him on hold, and retrieve the call later on the same terminal.

Single-line terminal: you have a key programmed for the ""PPaarrkk ccaallll//rreettrriieevvee""

You can use this key to park a call and retrieve it later, when you are free.